Fishermen's Kisses
Posted on Tue 21st January 2020 3.49PM in category News

Fishermen's Kisses
21st January 2020

Cornish Plastic Pollution Coalition (CPPC) have just launched a short competition film, Fishermen's Kisses.

You can watch it here:

This is a film aimed at fishermen, looking for their input for designs to help reduce one of the most pervasive forms of marine litter washing up on our beaches - the small offcuts of net (called fishermen's kisses) that can easily be lost, blown or washed over the side of boats or from harboursides while mending nets.
They seem like such a small and insignificant thing, and yet - as most of you will know only too well - have built up to become one of the commonest items of waste found on shorelines all around the South West coast.

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