Civic Award
Posted on Wed 1st May 2019 2.10PM in category News

Civic Award
1st May 2019

Four proud members of Friends of Par Beach, plus our Countryside Manager Jolyon Sharpe, assembled at the Cornwall Council Chamber in Truro on Wednesday evening to receive our Civic Award from Chairman of the Council, Mary May.

FoPB were nominated by our Local Councillor Jordan Rouse, who sadly could not be at the event, in recognition of our work and dedication towards helping look after the Beach and Nature reserve. Many thanks to Jordan for his nomination and support of our efforts.

Joined by many amazing people who have done work in the Voluntary sector in Cornwall over the last year, the event was rounded out by a splendid reception in the Council Chamber. A great evening enjoyed by all, where we met so many interesting and hard working residents of Cornwall, all doing their thing because they care about their local community'

And, of course, thank you to all our members for their support without whom we would not exist.


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