Pacific Oyster 2 | Report
Posted on Tue 27th November 2018 1.06PM in category News

Pacific Oyster 2 | Report
27th November 2018

Following a particularly wet and windy morning the weather became much kinder by 13:00 hrs when we gathered at our Beach Hut to conduct our second Pacific oyster survey. With Matt Slater of Cornwall Wildlife Trust's Shoresearch we were joined by three additional members of FoPB, besides myself and our chair, Richard, plus three members of the Three Bay Wildlife group.

Once again we conducted our survey along the man-made rock and boulder groynes at the Western end of the beach where Par river joins the bay. This time we worked along the wider of the two groynes, which worked well with the additional manpower, and one womanpower, we had. We reached a total of 1700 Pacific oysters, along its length, after two hours work.

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