Environment Agency Notification
Posted on Thu 9th August 2018 3.20PM in category News

Environment Agency Notification
9th August 2018

Environment Agency (EA) Notification

BLUE-GREEN ALGAE –  Par Beach Duck Pond, Par Sands

I would like to confirm that the sample taken on _09/08/2018 from _Par Duck Pond for algal analysis …

 *    had a bloom of potentially toxic blue-green algae (cyanobacteria)  

 The sample was taken from the lee shore where the algae would probably be at their highest concentration. This is not necessarily representative of conditions in the whole water body. You are recommended to make regular inspections to check for scum formation.

 Many waters are susceptible to problems with blue-green algae, typically between June and November. Once algal numbers are high, the bloom is likely to persist throughout the season, declining only at the onset of winter weather conditions.

 You are encouraged to take whatever steps you consider necessary to inform users of your water of these statements. If you need further advice on health matters, you should contact your local Environmental Health Officer

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