Spring Beach Clean Report
Posted on Sun 4th March 2018 12.30PM in category News

Spring Beach Clean | Report
4th March 2018

Today we held our annual Spring Beach Clean, and the weather gods were most kind to us. Following the bitterly cold spell, with snow and wind, it was touch and go that the event could take place, and even with a sudden warming the day before it decided to rain heavily through the night right up to 07:30hrs this morning. Low and behold, the rain stopped, the clouds passed away and the sun came out to give us a glorious spring day.

Sixty One (61) volunteers turned up for us including several family's with young children and a group of pupils (eco squad) and teachers from Poltair School in St Austell. They all worked very hard and at the end of the event the beach was sparkling. Our thanks go to all who made it such a worthwhile day.

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