January Work Party | Report
Posted on Sun 28th January 2018 10.45AM in category News

January Work Party | Report
28th January 2018

Friends of Par Beach held their first work party of the New Year today and concentrated on removing some invasive species from the dune area near to our new Beach Hut .

Using our Hut for the first time as base camp for the work, we were pleased to welcome our biggest turn out for some time, including several new faces, and many thanks to all who turned out on a pleasant morning.

Pictures show Mike and Phil clearing up around our brand new sign, kindly donated to us by Jolyon Sharpe of Cornwall Council Countryside Department, and the group having a well earned half time tea break.

Whilst pausing with the digging we were very happy to observe the work already being undertaken on the newly re-furbished play area next to Milo's Restaurant.

Friends has played a big part in selecting the supplier and encouraging the Parish Council to undertake this initiative.

However great praise and thanks must go to Councillor Doug Scrafton who has really driven the project with the Council and at last we will have a great new facility at Par Beach, no more than it deserves.

If you feel like getting involved in one of our work parties, keep a look out on our Website or Facebook page or for a poster put up around the area, including in our brand new notice board.


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