Christmas Greetings
Posted on Fri 22nd December 2017 6.25PM in category News

Christmas Greetings
22nd December 2017

The following poem was sent to us by The Conservation Volunteers ( This is by way of a thankyou from them to our Group but also reflects our thanks to you, our membership!

 A Christmas poem for our Community Groups from us to you!

Snow is falling all around

Frosty footprints on the ground

Berries crowd the silvered trees

As birds head south across the seas


Nature prepares for harder times

But work remains for those left behind

And Community groups keep busy

as Jack Frost goes to work

And even when it's drizzly

Cold hands hold hoes, or spades or forks


So in this winter season

We send our thanks for all you do, 

And as you prepare for the coming year

We send warm festive greetings to you

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