November Work Party - Report
Posted on Sun 26th November 2017 2.34PM in category News

November Work Party | Report
26th November 2017

On Sunday 26th November we had one of our regular winter work parties, and this time we helped to clear and widen the access path between the western car park and the existing path which runs around the Orchid field.

This was originally laid by the Council, specifically to help with access to the beach for wheelchair users and others with mobility problems, but sadly has not been maintained due to financial issues. The path was made up of clay waste which hardens quickly and stays almost white in colour, which also makes it good for people with sight issues. A group of ten volunteers plus a small dog cleared the length of the path in two hours, an amazing effort in mostly appalling weather. Many thanks and very well done to all who came along. Tea/coffee and biscuits were as usual handled by Chair Richard, who also managed to arrange the only ten minutes of dry weather, and a glimpse of the sun, during the whole morning, for this well earned break.

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