SAS Autumn Beach Clean.
Posted on Sun 29th October 2017 2.16PM in category News

SAS Autumn Beach Clean
29th October 2017

News Article from Cllr Jordan Rowse:

“When I found out that Surfers Against Sewage were holding a national autumn beach clean I felt that, as the Chairman of the Par Beach Management Group, it was something I had to get involved with.

Each year our coastal communities brace themselves against the winter conditions that create a ‘Perfect Storm’ of plastic pollution on our beaches. The Autumn Beach Clean extends deep into this darker, colder time than any other beach clean project. When, in the absence of summer’s tourist spotlight, the health of our coastlines can slip from the nation’s mind.

Along with over 300 other Beach Clean Leaders, I joined Surfers Against Sewage and their partners; The Crown Estate, Greggs, Parley For The Oceans and Ecover to unite, inspire and empower my community to take action to help create Plastic Free Coastlines.

Par Beach is perhaps the PL24 area’s most important asset and, with it being one of the only growing dune systems in Europe, it faces many challenges, plastic pollution being one of them. By engaging the community in beach cleans it helps make our great asset more enjoyable to use, but more importantly helps protect our beach and dunes from plastic pollution, helping create a plastic free coastline.

I’d like to thank everyone who turned up to help, Friends of Par Beach for their support and The Ship Inn for generously putting on tea and coffee for our volunteers.”


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