Autumn Quiz Night Report
Posted on Tue 24th October 2017 11.18AM in category News

Autumn Quiz Night | Report
24th October 2017

Fifty Two people making up ten tables contested this years autumn quiz night at the Scout Hut on Tuesday 24th October 2017.

The event was hosted by our new quiz mistress, Jules Jonklaas, who did a sterling job in preparing a testing set of questions and presenting them on the evening. Jules was ably assisted by Tamsyn Howes who kept the scores on the doors, or flip pad to be more precise! As ever, our treasurer, Mike Freemantle, was heavily involved, arranging the pasties for the evening, collecting the money at the door as well as running the 'heads and tails' event and the raffle. Also our thanks go to Penny Gibbs and her friend Denise who kept us all fed and watered for the evening.

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