'Friends' 8th Annual General Meeting
Posted on Fri 6th October 2017 7.30PM in category News

'Friends' 8th Annual General Meeting
6th October 2017

Friends recently held their 8th AGM on Friday 6th October, where has the time gone?

Held as usual at The Gott Hall in Par the event attracted a reasonable 28 people, and reports were given by outgoing Chair John Page and Treasurer Mike Freemantle.

John outlined the many and various events and activities that we have attended or organised including a very successful Bat Walk, the continually popular quiz evenings and two new projects which are nearing completion.

Our new beach hut will become our headquarters for events on the beach, and the coppicing project which is part of the Local Nature Reserve Management Plan, has now started despite the ongoing adverse weather conditions.

John Page has decided to stand down as Chair and from the committe to pursue a future in Local Politics, and we wish him well in that initiative.

Richard Parks returns to The Chair after a year as Secretary, Mike Freemantle remains as Treasurer and Jules Jonklaas returns as Secretary role after taking a short break in that role.

Phil Gadd, Gill Butler, Tamsyn Howes and Cathy Trodd remain as Committee members, but we are losing Dennis Brock, and would like to thank him for his efforts over the last year. We are actively seeking at least two more committee members, so if anyone is interested in joining our small band of enthusiasts, then please get in touch.

The AGM then had a break for refreshments and mingling, and this was followed by a very absorbing presentation by Karen and David who run kayaking nature trips on the Fowey river under the name of Encounter Cornwall. Have a look at www.encountercornwall.com

Altogether it was a successful and friendly evening, and the food prepared by Sandra Freemantle was much enjoyed, so thanks to Sandra for her efforts on our behalf.

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