Cornwall Civic Award
Posted on Sun 24th March 2019 1.33PM in category News

Cornwall Civic Award
24th March 2019

Email from Cllr Jordon Rowse to FoPB Chair Richard Parks.

Good evening Richard

I am writing to tell you that I have nominated Friends of Par Beach for the Cornwall Civic Award. Each Councillor is allowed to nominate one individual, but I have requested that Friends of Par Beach as a group are given this award as a sign of appreciation for all that you do.

This year is a special one as Cornwall Council are celebrating their 10 year anniversary, which is particularly apt as I understand FOPB are also celebrating their 10th anniversary.

Within the word limit I was allowed, this is what I wrote on my application form, copied and pasted for ease of reference: -

 “This group deserves a Civic Award because of their hard work and total dedication to Par Beach, and not just the beach, but the whole nature reserve site.

Friends of Par Beach (FOBP) were founded in 2009 so this year, like Cornwall Council, they will also be celebrating their 10 year anniversary.

The FOPB team are complete stalwarts. Since 2009 they have worked incredibly closely with Cornwall Council to help manage the asset that is Par Beach.

Par Beach is the jewel in the crown for us not just in Par, but in the Par, St Blazey and wider St Austell Bay area. However, having such an asset comes great difficulty managing it.  This is where FOPB have proved to be our community’s unsung heroes, a group of committed volunteers working with Cornwall Council to manage this great asset.

FOPB have work parties each month tackling different issues on the beach, from cutting back the footpaths through the dunes and the reserve to make them more accessible, to creating Otter Holts to encourage otters on site, or holding litter picks.

I am nominating Friends of Par Beach for the Cornwall Civic Award because the beach would not be the same without them.”

This is simply a small token of my appreciation for all that FOPB do and to our partnership at the beach. I have been blown away by the support of FOPB, particularly you Richard on the Management Group, and I believe this is one of the reasons why there are so many positive things happening at the beach at the minute.

I wish you good luck with your nomination and, if successful, the presentation ceremony and reception is to be held at County Hall on the evening of Wednesday 1 May 2019. I would be delighted to invite the FOPB Officers (Chair, Vice Chair etc) to come along with me on the evening.

Thank you once again.

Oll an gwella/all the best,


Cllr Jordan Rowse

Cornwall Councillor for Par and St Blazey Gate

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