Posted on Wed 18th March 2020 12.00PM in category News

18th March 2020

From the Community Partnership Officer at Cormac.....

Dear Volunteers,

COVID-19 and Volunteering with Cormac.

I write in the light of recent events relating to the spread of Corona virus and actions that must now be taken. I can advise that the Community Partnership Officers have been in discussion with senior managers this morning to determine the way forward in respect of volunteering operations across Cormac’s business.

I’m sorry to have to inform you that in the light of current governmental advice, Cormac will cease to facilitate volunteer events until further notice. This will apply to both permissions for work to be undertaken on Cornwall Council land (if you are currently signed up as a constituted group), and to permission and insurance to work if you are signed up via the direct Cormac Volunteer route.

Additionally, the tool trailer service is being withdrawn with immediate effect, in order to minimise exposure risk to all involved and to ensure that we have staff capacity to keep essential services operating.

I’m sure that you will appreciate the necessity of complying with governmental advice to limit social interaction, and if there is any other way that we as CPO’s can help you at this time then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

We will of course update you as the situation changes and in the meantime can be contacted via our usual email addresses.

Stay safe!

Kind Regards,


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