Thursday 24th September 19.00

        at The Gott Hall, Par Green, PL24 2AG


Invitations limited to members only this year due to COVID-19 restrictions. Your input this year is extremely important. Please read information below.


In recent years Friends of Par Beach have included a guest speaker and time for socialising with refreshments before and after the business meeting of the AGM. However, this is not possible for the 2020 meeting due to current limitations relating to social distancing, infection control guidelines and limited numbers able to be accommodated in Gott Hall.


Despite the impact of an international pandemic, Friends of Par Beach are pleased to report another busy year, which we look forward to detailing at the meeting! Highlights include work parties prior to and following `lockdown, which saw more native trees planted in the nature reserve and ragwort management in the dune system.


Description automatically generated               A person standing on top of a grass covered field

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During Lockdown, work continued `behind the scenes redesigning our website, developing ideas for picture information boards identifying some of the native wildlife we help protect and embraced `zoom committee meetings! We also continue to benefit from the Co-Op community fund, which will help pay for some of the developments outlined above.


It is really important that members attend the AGM, BUT places must be booked in advance by email to or or telephone Jenny on  07799258379. Places will be allocated on a `first come, first served basis and we will operate a `reserve list if necessary.


The current committee comprises:

Richard Parks Chair                Mike Freemantle Treasurer               Janice Hillier Secretary         

Jenny Tagney Secretary        Phil Gadd Events Co-Ordinator and Website             Gill Butler Education

Nick Hillier Committee Member      Simon Tagney Committee Member


Nominations for Officers and Committee Members may be sent in advance to the Secretaries.  Any member may volunteer for a post, or be nominated, at the AGM

Posts for election are:-              i) Chair                                            ii) Secretary                                                      iii) Treasurer


A minimum of 2 and a maximum of 6 Committee Members should be appointed at the AGM

Resolutions may be proposed by any member at the AGM or, in advance to the Secretary (see below) by Thursday 17th  September. A seconder can be obtained in advance or at the AGM.








to be held at 19.00 on Thursday 24th September 2020 at

The Gott Hall, Par Green, PL 24 2AG


Please bring your membership card and your own refreshments (NB - Toilets will NOT be available during this meeting).



1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of the 10th Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 26th September 2019

3. Chairs Report - Richard Parks

4. Treasurers Report - Mike Freemantle

5. Election of Committee and Officers

i) Chair

ii) Secretary

iii) Treasurer

iv) A minimum of 2 and a maximum of 6 Committee Members.

6. Resolutions

7. Any Other Business



Jenny Tagney email   telephone 07799258379

Janice Hillier email telephone 07540381388